Visualized important auxiliary equipment intelligent safety pre-control system

■ Key technologies

(1) Add the intelligent monitoring system, have the built-in rotor fault type library, automatically collect fault vector features, and form a closed-loop control over equipment fault degradation through self-learning capability of the big data feature matrix;

(2) The system can automatically diagnose equipment monitoring state, degradation starting point and trend, automatically send the maintenance suggestions to avoid fault trips caused by problems unrecognized by conventional means and unclear technical analysis.

■ Expected effect

(1) Improve reliability of equipment, extend the life cycle of equipment, avoid accidental equipment failure, and the annual income is at least 1 million RMB;

(2) Realize five determinations of fault location, fault cause, fault level, treatment plan, and working hour cost, improve control efficiency by more than 50%, and the annual contribution is at least 2 million RMB;

(3) Reduce the number of personnel in the patrol inspection/point inspection by 30%, reduce the maintenance cost of spare parts by 30%, and contribute an annual income of about 3.5 million RMB;

(4) After comprehensively considering operation time, maintenance efficiency, inspection and maintenance cost, the annual contribution is at least 6.5 million RMB.

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